

 Fixed some bugs in the system. Thanks Stephen!


 First update of the new year! I've updated the layout to this icy blue  one, combined subpages "About Me" and "Rants, Articles, etc" into  one. All subpages have wintry names to coincide with the layout.  Pages added are basic, rants, rant archive, lists, list archive, quotes,  and resources. Poetic, my poetry website, has also been updated.  Sui Generis, my web journal, is currently being non-exsistent. Just  Smile, my Sailormoon webpage, is sitting inactive as it has for quite  a while.


 Another from nowhere update. This time I've added subpage  Websites, and pages Links, Friends, and Articles. I still have much  to do, but I did some of it! :)


 I made this page! I feel like I have accomplished much! And rightly  so, for this is the first of my actual pages. (i.e., not just index or  subpages) so I feel the need to ramble on about nothing in  particular...I had Peas and Carrots for dinner tonight! And only a day  after watching Forest Gump...coincidence? I think not. I think my  mom did it on purpose. I have every reason to believe that she did.

Snowstorm-Profile, writings, and all that jazz.Ski Slopes-Other websites of mine.Skating Rink-Links, Updates, Contact.