Monday, November 19
11:11 A.M. Online with nothing to do other than talk to SmarterChild and  GooglyMinotaur. One problem, I want to punch SmarterChild and I don't want  information about Radiohead right now. If anyone worth talking to was on, I'd talk to  them. Grr.
 I'm listening to Save Ferris, "Let Me In". Very good song. :)

    Saturday, November 17
3:25 P.M. I'm compiling my Christmas list. I have four things thus far:
 - portable CD player
 - long sleeve shirts
 - squarish, thick, squeezable journal
 - black journal with a picture of Will Shakespeare on it for poems
 I have not actually bought anything for anyone else yet, but I figure everything will fall  into place eventually. Oh, one more thing!
 - mini Bonsai kit. :)
 BTW, all those stars in the banner there will be links...soon...hehe :) I'm being a bit of  a procrastinator, but I feel I really need to turn my attention to Kaleidoscope at this  point. C'ya.

    Friday, November 16, 2001
8:42 P.M. Here's the opening entry. I wish I had something deep to say, but what  is there to say? I am dreading and cheering the inevitable win of our team tonight in  the playoffs. Dreading 'cause, if a win, I have to be at a game on the day after  Thanksgiving and practice all three days before Thanksgiving for a dance we'll perform.  Cheering 'cause I have a few (okay, one) senior football player friend who really wants  to beat our rival in the state championship. Gah. Indecisivness. If you don't have a  clue who I am, I'll be working over the weekend to get my website up. In the  meantime, I'm going to go watch Iron Chef and eat something unhealthy.